Are you one of those people who are constantly stressed out at work? If you are one of those people who feel extreme pressure by your work, you may be suffering from performance anxiety. According to experts, there are hundreds of people in the country today who desperately want to keep their job.
Unfortunately, the more a person wants to keep his or her job, the more stressed out he or she becomes. In many cases, job performance anxiety prevents the employee from performing his or her job well. As a result, the more the employee wants to keep his or her job, the more chances that he or she will end up doing something terribly wrong at work that will make him or her lose her job.
Controlling Performance Anxiety
Performance anxiety is very common in the workplace. To help you control your performance anxiety, you need to know yourself and what you are capable of doing. You must always remember that you have limitations and that you cannot please everybody. Recognize the fact that there are things that are simply too big for you to handle.
Never ever think that because you want to keep your job, you need to do everything that is asked of you even if you really have no idea how to perform some of the task assigned to you. If you do not know anything about the task assigned to you at the office, do not hesitate to tell your boss that you are not familiar with the task and you need some help.
To help you control your performance anxiety, learn to set realistic goals for yourself. Always remember that setting very high goals could make your life very miserable. Besides, if you set realistic goals for yourself, you will be able to work better at your job and achieve something. Note that you need some small successes in your work to help you keep going.
To control you performance anxiety, you need to breakdown a large task into smaller activities. According experts, bigger task could look quite intimidating but if you breakdown this large task into smaller activities which you can perform independently, it will be easier for you to get all the work done. By focusing your energies on smaller task, you will be able to reduce the effects of performance anxiety in your work. Always remember that the more anxious you are to get something done right away, the more chances that you will commit mistakes and display the completion of your task.